Aster lateriflorus - Cultivation Notes
Michealmas daisy will flourish on a variety of well drained soils but will not appreciate excessive summer drying. They prefer a spot in full sun but will tolerate part shade. This hardy perennial will almost certainly need staking to stop it collapsing when if flower as well as winter mulching / clump division every few years.
Strengths, Weaknesses & Design Usage
Strengths of Aster lateriflorus:
- Attracts wildlife to feed or nest
Weaknesses of Aster lateriflorus
- Does not tolerate very dry or very wet soils
Design & Plant Use for Aster lateriflorus:
- Late flowering herbaceous plant for autumn interest
View all the plants listed in Genus Aster
View other herbaceous flowers with white flowers, or herbaceous flowers with medium green foliage
Common Missspellings: Astor, Aister, Astear