Chaenomeles japonica Description
This deciduous shrub will relaibly show in the spring with masses of apple white spring blossom, followed by large yellow fruit. Vicious spines will keep unwanted visitors out - as will rapid unmanageable growth, which can make the plant something of an eye-saw, so best plant somewhere it can keep a low profile during the summer months. 1.5m tall x3m.
Chaenomeles japonica - Cultivation Notes
This tough shrub will flourish in the worst of garden soils whether positioned in full sun or partial shade and is hardy to point of almost being un stoppable. But be warned - its scraggly habit means Quince needs pruning - spines or not! Trim to shape after flowering, reducing last years growth by half, only cut back old wood if becoming overgrown / leggy. Ideal as a wall shrub.
Strengths, Weaknesses & Design Usage
Strengths of Chaenomeles japonica:
- Sun loving drought tolerant plant
- Spiney growth can deter unwanted visitors!
- All round tough plant suitable for problem areas
- Provides valuable winter interest
- Fruit / berry producing
- Tolerates full sun and sandy, drought-prone soils
- Tolerates cold exposed locations
- Tolerates heavy clay soils
Weaknesses of Chaenomeles japonica
- Invasive top growth
- Spiney plant - can scratch young children and gardeners!
Design & Plant Use for Chaenomeles japonica:
- Ideal flowering shrub for problem clay soils
View all the plants listed in Genus Chaenomeles
View other shrubs with red flowers, or shrubs with medium green foliage
Common Missspellings: Chinnomeles, Chainoneles, Chanomeles, Shinomeles