Helleborus x hybridus - Cultivation Notes
The diversity and impact of hellebores makes them a must have in the winter garden. They prefer a neutral / limey soil which is reasonably fertile, and will cope with clay soils but not water logging. Plant in full sun or shade, and allow to self seed - as plants are short lived. Ideal under shade planted in drifts or in front of a shady border. Mulch occasionally with well rotted manure to feed and cut back after flowering if looking leggy.
Strengths, Weaknesses & Design Usage
Strengths of Helleborus x hybridus:
- Scented blossom
- Spiney growth can deter unwanted visitors!
- Provides valuable winter interest
- Suitable for container growing
- Tolerates cold exposed locations
- Produces winter flowers
Weaknesses of Helleborus x hybridus
- Poisonous if eaten/irritating sap
- Spiney plant - can scratch young children and gardeners!
- Does not tolerate very dry or very wet soils
Design & Plant Use for Helleborus x hybridus:
- Winter/early spring flowering herbaceous plant for early colour and extended seasonal interest
- Provides scented winter blossom
View all the plants listed in Genus Helleborus
View other herbaceous flowers with violet flowers, or herbaceous flowers with red foliage
Common Missspellings: Helebore, Heleborus, Helleberus, Heliborus, Helaborus